your art style is really solid and vivid! it reminds me of those t-shirts i see boys my age running around in sometimes around this part of my country, or of tattoo designs!
-v-)b (good stuff)
your art style is really solid and vivid! it reminds me of those t-shirts i see boys my age running around in sometimes around this part of my country, or of tattoo designs!
-v-)b (good stuff)
there's something super visually/aesthetically appealing about the shapes and angles in this. i just can't put my finger on it, but it flows really nicely! i'm not sure if you put a bunch of work into measuring angles, or just did whatever and it ended up looking amazing, but either way, i really like this piece! :>
I tend to focus on composition a lot so determining the angles comes naturally I guess. Thank you very much.
hey, this isn't too bad! good work.
what art program are you using?
Thanks! ^^ I am using
hey! that's pretty good!
Oh shit, I didn't even know Goretober was a THING, that's so rad!!
Excellent art! It's morbid but also kinda funny. :D
Me neither until a few weeks ago! It's fun! :)
Hahaha, even yet, I'm not that morbid I think. My gore things are quite tame, and more silly than anything. :D
God damnnnnn this is NICE on the eyes! :D
As humans we should fear his malevolence when he has angry eyes...
It's so incredibly sweet you drew your friend's cat...
The art is also just. So, so good. Wow. Did you use a reference for this? It's so good!! :>
Thank you so much! Yes, I used about 3-4 pictures of Lemon to compile this picture, as well as heaps of general cat knowledge and some very fond memories.
This is so awesome! :D
Thanks a lot Mala xD
This is awesome!
oh damn.. your work is amazing, as usual :D
I'm trying to think of a different style I can come up with or should I stick with this style?
Ok, firstly, you need to understand that this isn't porn, all right? It's called "hentai". Yes, that's a Japanese phrase, I'm learning Japanese from these videos.
Age 24
wage slave
new zealand
Joined on 9/9/16